About Us
The Dream: Provide materials and a vibrant space for all members of the community to gather: teens experimenting with color and fibers; designers inspiring and creating; class members aiding each other and laughing while trying their new skills; fiber artists immersing their senses in natural, hand dyed fibers.
The Beginning
Three concrete walls, a front glass wall with a door, a concrete floor, an exposed ceiling, pipes sticking up from the floor where hopefully a toilet and sink will appear.
Mariposa Yarn Store is "a work in progress." Aren't we all?
In May 2022, I finished grading my last essay and closed the chapter of my life as a high school English teacher. For many years teaching was growing more stressful and unhealthy. The pandemic provided solitude and a time for reflection. I realized that I could help my community outside of the traditional classroom.
I have been knitting since I was a young girl. Growing up, I had to work around the fact that we only had one television in the house, and if I was in the room, being the youngest, I was the remote, always having to get up and change channels. Of course, I never got to choose what I wanted to watch. My mom taught me quiet things, like knitting, embroidering, and crocheting. After college, I returned to knitting, and I have been knitting a lot of socks (portable projects while the kids were young)!! Now, my repertoire can expand. Life is good.
My city, Albuquerque, and really the Southwest, need some "yarn populating," and I do miss knitting with people and the environment of a LYS. I decided to open a store on the west side of the city.
And now....we have arrived!
Mariposa Yarn Store has become a community of fiber artists! We have regular groups such as lunch groups, KAL's, and a sock club that will resume in Jan. '24. We have a great yarn selection from around the world, including local dyers. We have fun classes for beginning knitters and crocheters. We offer workshops for topics such blocking, knitting techniques, and needle labs (try out some interchangeable sets!). We will be one year old on March 4th 2024. Thank you to our community for helping us make Mariposa Yarn Store our happy place where creativity takes flight!