Emotional Support Chicken KNIT-Along Winter 2025



Hop on the bus!  Mariposa Yarn Store is starting what we like to call the Emergency Emotional Support Chicken Make-along with a New Mexico Flair. 

For our winter 2025 group project we will be doing a chicken, except that, accidentally, I keep calling it an emergency chicken--but if the name fits, right? 

And the New Mexican flair? We will have two choices of Malabrigo yarn. We have named these chickens Juan--as in "I Juan-na Hug"  and Anita--as in "A-ni-ta friend."

Order your color selection and we will have everything ready for you. The KAL will begin as soon as the yarn arrives (tentatively Saturday, the 15th of February, from 1-3 pm). Please include your contact information in the order note. 

You will need to bring a size 7 needle or order one separately at the store.